Categories: Healthcare

U.S. FDA gives nod to Roche’s cobas pro integrated solutions

Roche’s new offering would enhance the quality of diagnostics and fast-track the procedures of diagnostic laboratories.

Clinical chemistry and immunochemistry play a vital role in today’s healthcare sector. It deals with the study of bodily fluids and molecular mechanisms, and can offer an efficient laboratory solution that could quickly help advance new treatment solutions.

Many pharmaceutical companies are now determined to create innovative laboratory solutions, including Roche Diagnostics, a Swiss multinational healthcare company, who has recently announced that its cobas pro integrated solutions, an advanced Serum Work Area (immunochemistry and clinical chemistry) laboratory solution, dedicated to improving lab operations has received clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Reports cite that the new product would enable laboratories to run tests quicker on lesser equipment, delivering results more quickly as well as automating manual tasks.

Diagnostic laboratories are indeed a crucial part of the global healthcare system within vitro diagnostics affecting a maximum of 70% of all clinical verdicts while accounting for only about 2% of complete healthcare expenditure. Together, lab and medical professionals play an important factor in providing optimal patient care.

However, they undergo intense pressure to handle a rising number of samples, while raising profitability and quickly providing quality results.

According to Thomas Schinecker, CEO, Roche Diagnostics, the company is happy with the FDA approval of the cobas pro, the next gen Serum work area solution created to fulfill the firm’s commitment towards reliability of decision making for patients and to help improve speed.

He claims that fast, sustainable and reliable diagnostic solutions are crucial for ideal clinical care delivery and have a major factor in the development of general healthcare quality.

As per reports, Roche’s new application runs up to 2,200 tests each hour with three modules operating in synchronized and parallel to enhance efficiency. Additionally, the cobas pro integrated solutions cuts up to 3¼ hours in operating time for a routine workload when rivaled with cobas 6000.

Source Credit: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/09/16/1915648/0/en/Roche-receives-FDA-clearance-for-cobas-pro-integrated-solutions-designed-to-help-labs-deliver-faster-results-to-patients.html
Saipriya Iyer:

Saipriya Iyer presently works as a content developer for decresearch.com and a couple of similar portals. Having dabbled with the domain of content creation for nearly half a decade, she now boasts of an enviable portfolio, holding substantial experience in penning down pieces related to technology, finance, and a wide spectrum of other industry verticals. A qualified computer engineering graduate from the University of Pune, Saipriya can often be found leveraging her knowledge of software technology and electronics in her write-ups. She can be contacted at- saipriya.i@decresearch.com | https://twitter.com/saipriya_i/